Saint Mary’s Recognized as Top Producer of Fulbright U.S. Scholars
富布赖特是十大网赌平台交流的旗舰项目. 这是圣玛丽教育工作者将他们的教学和研究与全球社区联系起来的一种引人注目的方式.
富布赖特十大网赌平台在全球学术研究和十大网赌平台交流领域享有盛誉. As was announced today in The Chronicle of Higher Education, 十大正规网赌平台因其在促进这一重要工作方面的作用而获得认可:该学院已被评为富布赖特美国顶尖生产机构.S. Scholars by the U.美国国务院教育和文化事务局.
In recent years, 圣玛丽所有四所学院的教师都获得了富布赖特美国奖学金.S. Scholar Program. That includes faculty in the School of Liberal Arts, School of Science, School of Economics and Business Administration, and the Kalmanovitz School of Education.
这些教育工作者的研究塑造了他们在课堂上的工作,并导致了他们所在领域的重要学术研究——研究重点是抗病基因, gathering transnational migrant narratives, 探索印度崛起为全球经济大国的独特因素. 富布赖特最近的研究还把教师带到了英国、希腊、法国和缅甸.
她说:“这种认可表明,我们很荣幸十大正规网赌平台拥有优秀的师资队伍。 President Richard Plumb. “我们的教育工作者的努力拓宽了学院的智力, creates opportunities for collaboration, 并吸引了全球志同道合的研究人员和十大网赌平台. Collectively, and with the help of Gael student researchers, 我们对社会的影响是无限的. We're delighted to be recognized in this fashion."
Preventing Disease and Finding Environmental Heroes
During the 2022–23 academic year, 来自圣玛丽大学的两名富布赖特十大网赌平台一直在英国和法国从事工作,其中一名专注于慢性疾病的预防, 还有一篇是关于气候变化和环境行动主义的,因为它可能与舞台有关.
This year Chi-An Emhoff, an associate professor in the Department of Kinesiology, 他在法国萨瓦勃朗峰大学(universit
Daniel Larlham teaches Theatre in SMC’s School of Liberal Arts. As a Fulbright Scholar, 今年早些时候,他受到罗汉普顿大学艺术学院的邀请,正在进行他的研究项目“人类世的英雄主义”,,从神话戏剧的角度审视了气候变化和环境行动主义. A performance researcher and theatremaker, 他拥有哥伦比亚大学戏剧博士学位和纽约大学表演艺术硕士学位.
Helga Lénárt-Cheng, who teaches World Languages & 在文理学院的文化,并担任学生和教师的富布赖特校园顾问
Keith Garrison, who teaches Biology in the School of Science
Kathleen Taylor他在卡尔马诺维茨教育学院教授领导力课程
Saroja Subrahmanyan他在经济与工商管理学院教授市场营销
Jyoti Bachani, who teaches Management & 经济与工商管理学院创业学专业
María Luisa Ruiz, a professor of Spanish and Latin American literature, 最近获得了富布赖特-海斯文化交流奖. 这让她在2021年前往墨西哥,成为一群探索墨西哥非洲遗产的精选十大网赌平台的一员, in turn, enriches her teaching of students at Saint Mary's.
Recent alumni have benefited from Fulbright programs as well. John Edward Ellis completed his MFA in writing at Saint Mary's in 2017. 去年,他获得了富布赖特奖学金前往塞内加尔,并开始了他的第一个书籍长度的项目, 关于塞内加尔人民和文化的散文集.
Fulbright is the U.S. 政府的旗舰十大网赌平台交流项目. 它也是世界上规模最大、最多样化的交流项目之一. Since its inception in 1946, more than 400,000名来自不同背景和领域的参与者,包括最近的大学毕业生, teachers, scientists, researchers, artists, and others, 来自美国和其他160多个国家的十大网赌平台参加了富布赖特项目.
“我代表约瑟夫·拜登总统和安东尼·布林肯国务卿, 祝贺被评为2022-2023富布赖特顶级生产机构的学院和大学, 以及今年入选富布赖特项目的所有申请者,” said Lee Satterfield, 负责教育和文化事务的助理国务卿. “Thanks to the visionary leadership of these institutions, administrators, and advisors, a new generation of Fulbrighters—changemakers, 就像我想说的那样,会对他们的校园产生持久的影响, in their communities, and around the world.”
At Saint Mary’s, the Office of Research, led by Director Elizabeth Gallagher, supports faculty in planning Fulbright applications. 荣誉项目的副教授和主任Helga Lenart-Cheng也担任官方富布赖特校园顾问,为学生和教师申请人提供建议.
富布赖特项目是在75年前设立的,目的是增进美国人民与其他国家人民之间的相互了解. 富布赖特项目的主要资金来源是由美国政府每年拨款.S. Congress to the U.S. 国务院教育和文化事务局, 它受益于外国伙伴政府的额外支持, non-governmental organizations, private organizations, corporate partnerships, and individual donors. Importantly, U.S. and foreign host institutions provide support as well.
READ MORE about international programs and initiatives at Saint Mary’s.
More information about the Fulbright Program:
Ben Enos is Director of Media Relations at Saint Mary's. Write him.
Steven Boyd Saum 是十大正规网赌平台战略传播与内容执行主任之前曾在乌克兰指导富布赖特项目. Write him.