

我们致力于维护您的信心和信任, and accordingly maintain the following 网页私隐政策 (this “Policy”) to protect the information you provide to us online.


加州十大正规网赌平台,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) will not distribute or sell your information to third-party organizations that has been 收集 from you while visiting our website (chungcutayho.net), unless the form or page to which you are submitting information specifically indicates that such sale or distribution is contemplated.  请进一步注意, 如本政策所述, 我们网站的某些组件是由第三方操作的, 因此,受这些第三方政策中附加条款的约束.  在这种情况下, 通常会有一个链接到第三方的隐私政策, 如本政策后面所述.

如果你在欧盟, or if your “Personal Data” otherwise may be subject to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”), you should understand that we will use our technical infrastructure in the United States to deliver various services to you.  为了履行我们与你的合同(如果你是我们校园的访客), 申请人, 一个学生, 一个员工, 校友, 一个捐献者, 一个志愿者, 一名教员, 受托人, 和/或您正在网上向我们购买物品, 等.)我们可能需要将您的“个人资料”转移到美国, 可能还会转移到你本国以外的司法管辖区, 必要时提供这些服务.  类似的, 如果您正在浏览我们的网页, 我们可能会收集您的某些“个人资料”(例如, (你的ISP地址),以加强我们的网页, 以及您在我们网页上的体验.  Processing of your Personal Data as you browse our webpage is necessary for our legitimate interests, and we believe these interests will not interfere with your fundamental rights or freedoms.  “Personal Data” generally means any information that can be used to identify a natural person.  有关GDPR如何影响您的更多信息,请 请按此.

如果您对此信息有任何疑问,请联系 privacy@chungcutayho.net


当您使用我们的网站时, 我们只会收集您的资料(例如您的姓名), address, 电子邮件或电话号码),如果你自愿提供的话.  如果您不希望我们收集您的信息,请不要提交.  We will not retain your information longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it is 收集 , 或在收集数据的页面或表格上另行注明.  在stmarys-ca上收集的信息.edu may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country in which we (or any service providers) maintain facilities.  Additional details about the use of information that you submit on forms through our website can be obtained from the office or department that has provided the specific form.

Web服务器通常收集, 至少暂时如此, the following information: Internet Protocol (IP) address of computer being used; webpages requested; referring webpage; browser used; date and time.  Saint Mary’s may collect statistics identifying particular IP addresses from which our website is accessed, but does not use such methods to attempt to obtain any personally identifying information.  我们仅将此信息用于内部目的,例如改进我们的服务.Edu和你在stmarys-ca上的浏览体验.edu.


圣玛丽可能会使用我们在stmarys-ca上收集的信息.Edu,以便将来与您沟通.e., 为了让您随时了解活动,如某些节目和/或特别活动), 但前提是您有机会选择退出此类通信.

我们可能会使用浏览器ip地址信息来报告有关网站访问的信息.  此信息用于改善您对本网站的用户体验, 也可用于故障排除.
Some of our website pages may use “cookies” in order to deliver web content specific to individual users.  个人识别信息(或“个人数据”)不存储在cookie中.

Our website uses Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting (“Google Analytics”) to help us understand, 在总, 的年龄, 网页访客的性别及兴趣.  The Google Analytics tool does not reveal your name or other identifying information to us.  进一步, we do not combine the information 收集 through use of Google Analytics with any information that could be used to specifically identify you.  从Google Analytics收到的信息仅用于改进stmarys-ca.Edu,以及显示给stmarys-ca的信息类型.,这样我们就可以更好地为那些对圣玛丽感兴趣的人服务.  你可以阻止谷歌分析识别你的回访stmarys-ca.通过使用Google Analytics的“选择退出浏览器”插件, http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.


圣玛丽一般不会透露收集到的有关您的信息, 法律要求披露的特定明确情况除外.


关于用户审查权的问题, 修改或删除其先前提供的信息应直接到 privacy@chungcutayho.net.


Some parts of our website are maintained or operated by third parties to which we have specifically outsourced such maintenance and operation for the delivery of enhanced services (for example, 运动信息网站:smcgaels.com).  You should review the privacy policies of such third parties by visiting the links included within those separate websites, 因为他们的政策可能与本政策不同, 他们可能会根据自己的政策使用这些信息.


Saint Mary’s website is not intended for children under 的年龄 of 13 and there are no areas specifically set aside for children under age 13.  尽管如此, we recognize that our website may be of general interest to all audiences and we encourage parents to assist their children if they intend to explore our website.  关于夏令营和暑期项目的信息, the information provided is intended for parents and legal guardians of potentially eligible campers and program participants.  Saint Mary’s requests that any forms or other submissions made in response to such programs be completed by a parent or legal guardian and not the child.  If it appears that we have 收集 or received 个人身份信息 on a child under age of 13 without parental consent, 它将不会被使用,我们将立即从我们的文件中删除信息.


虽然我们努力保护用户的个人资料, 个人身份信息, 和隐私, we cannot guarantee the privacy and/or security of any information you disclose online through interactive features such as forums, 留言板, 聊天室, 或类似服务(“互动功能”).  Please keep in mind when using Interactive Features through our website; you disclose information at your own risk that may be specifically designed to be visible to other users.  You should be aware that any 个人身份信息 you choose to submit via Interactive Features can be read, 收集, 并供其他个人和/或实体使用, 还可能被用来给你发送不请自来的信息.  We are not responsible for any information you choose to submit when you engage in such activities.

我们也可能使用交互功能和工具, 包括添加到本网站的像素标签, that allow data about actions of visitors to be sent to the Interactive Features to track conversions and to allow us to create custom audiences for the courses, 我们可能在这些互动功能上做广告的产品或服务.  We also may provide the Interactive Features with other data we have 收集 about you for this purpose, using the Interactive Features’ tools that allow data such as email addresses and phone numbers to be locally hashed on our system before we upload and pass such data to any Interactive Feature(s).  这些数据的使用受每个互动功能适用的隐私政策的约束.


You may have the right to access the 个人身份信息 that Saint Mary’s has 收集 about you (contact us at privacy@chungcutayho.net 更多信息):

•改变, 正确的, or have us delete any 个人身份信息 we have about you; and/or
•    Express any concern you have about our use of your 个人身份信息.


Should you have other questions or concerns about this 隐私政策, please write to us at privacy@chungcutayho.net 或透过邮政服务:

P.O. 5165箱